What is pickleball

Pickball is a paddle sport that can be played by two or four people simultaneously.It can be played indoors and outdoors. Pickleball combines Badminton’s sports court, table tennis’s racket shape, similar height of tennis net, and similar play rules of tennis too.

Players use a paddle made of wood, composites or graphite. The balls look a lot like a whiffle ball .however, they are denser and more durable representing a similar size of a baseball. The court size is 20 feet wide and 40 feet long, representing a badminton court size, and the net is 34 inches tall, a tad shorter than a net used in tennis. As a visual, 4 pickeball courts fit on one tennis court. People of all ages can participate and it can played as singles or doubles.

After its invention in 1965, pickleball became a popular sport in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States and gradually grew in popularity elsewhere. By 2023 it was estimated to have over 60 million players in globe. For three years in a row, 2021, 2022, and 2023, the sport was named the fastest-growing sport in the United States by the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. The growing popularity of the sport has been attributed to its short learning curve, its appeal to a wide range of ages and fitness levels, and its low startup costs.

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