Two-bounce Rule
A serve must land in the diagonally opposite service court on the opponent’s side of the net.The serve receiver must allow the ball to bounce once before returning the ball to the server’s side of the net. Once the receiver has returned the ball over the net, the serving side must also allow the ball to bounce once before returning the ball to the non-serving side. This is known as the two-bounce rule.After the first two returns, either side may volley the ball—that is, return it before it bounces. The ball can never bounce more than once before it is returned. No player may volley the ball while standing in the non-volley zone or touching any of the lines around the non-volley zone or “kitchen”.

Score of Play
A server continues to serve, alternating between the right and left service courts until their team commits a fault.Pickleball is usually played to a score of 11. The winning team must win by two points or play continues until one team wins by two.Tournament games may be played to 11, 15 or 21 points with players rotating sides when either team reaches 6, 8 or 11 points respectively.
Paddle Standard
1.Surface. The paddle’s hitting surface shall not contain delamination, holes, cracks, rough textures, or indentations that break the paddle skin or surface, or any objects or features that allow a player to impart excessive spin on the ball.
2.Size. The combined length and width, including any edge guard and butt cap, shall not exceed 24 inches (60.96 cm). The paddle length cannot exceed 17 inches (43.18 cm). There is no restriction on paddle thickness.
3.Decals and tape can extend no farther than 1.0 inch (2.54 cm) above the top of the grip nor more than 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) inside the outer edge of a paddle or, if an edge guard is in place, 0.5 inch inside the edge guard.

Pickleball Paddle supplier
There are many different colorful and beautiful kinds of design of surface for paddle from different brands. Before you select your favourite paddle surface, you need to be careful to identify the surface can`t be made of below materials ,otherwise your paddle can not be verified by USAPA.
All of our pickleball paddles can be verified by USAPA . Our production team strictly follows the rules set by the USAPA to produce various types of paddles. You can freely choose your favorite paddle from our website without worrying about whether it meets the regulations.